The new York City Marathon is coming up November 2nd. I ran the race last year and it was the BEST!!! everything from the starting line to the crowd to the ‘grand finale’ finish in central Park made the race one of the most memorable ever. I loved every single mile – even the .2 too!
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Učení ze špatného běhu
Špatné běhy se dějí – tady je to, jak jsem se pohyboval kolem a poučil se z mého dalšího běhu. Tip, který vám pomůže stát se lepším běžcem tím, že jste neutrálním pozorovatelem tréninku.
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0 sekund 3 minut, 48 sekund
Marathonský tréninkový den 4
Poland spring is the official bottled water of the 2014 new York City Marathon and I am working with them to cheers all this year’s runners! I have partnered with the company to share some of my tips for keeping hydration a priority before the big race!
Hydration tips for Running The new York City Marathon:
1. Go into the race weekend well hydrated. I think a common mistake is for runners to drink a lot on race morning/race day – but you can help your body by showing up to the start line well rested and well hydrated.
Keep your usual hydration habits even if you are traveling and sightseeing over the weekend!
2. Pay attention to the color of your pee. aim for a lemonade-y color. You don’t want that to go to dark or too light!
3. walk through aid stations. If you haven’t mastered the ‘grab-and-go’ method of running through the water stations – slow down, grab a cup, walk and drink it.
Getting de-hydrated may hurt your time as much as walking through a few aid stations!
Yes that’s water in my glass – champagne is for the celebration after
Stop by the TCS new York City Marathon health and fitness Expo 10/30, 10/31 or 11/1 to create your own video! If you aren’t going to be around you can make your own and share it on your social channels with #polandspringcheers
Question: Did you drink enough water today?
(Enough is a healthy amount based on your body and activity level.)
Disclaimer: This update is posted in partnership with Poland spring Water. All opinions are my own.
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